Sunday 25 November 2012

Ashura na maandamano ya waislamu

Waislamu wa madhehebu ya Shia walipokuwa wakiomboleza kuuliwa shahidi Imamu Hussein (as) mnamo mwaka 61 hijiria na viongozi wabaya kabisa waliojipa utawala juu ya Uislamu na kuwatawala waislamu kwa mabavu kinyume na maelekezo ya Mtume Mohammad (SAWW). Watawala hao ni Muawiyya bin abi Suffian na mwanawe Yazid ibn Muawiyyah. Ambao waliwaua kila watu waliojulikana kuwa ni Mashia yaani wafuasi wa Ahlulbayt rasul na pia waliua kila mtu aliyejaribu kuwasifu Ahlulbayt.

Friday 23 November 2012


“Kill, Kill, Shias,” say the text warnings to members of the SHIA ISLAM community.
The smear campaign comes a day after nearly 40 Shia Muslims were killed in three bomb attacks on religious gatherings in the southern port city of Karachi and the garrison city of Rawalpindi on Wednesday evening.
Heavily armed militants have targeted several religious ceremonies commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) in different regions of Pakistan over the past week.
Human rights groups say hundreds of Shia Muslims have been killed in the violence-hit country so far this year.
Several citizens have expressed their deep concerns over the ongoing massacre and religious persecution of Shias across Pakistan.
“Genocide against Shias is already taking place in Pakistan so the text messages don’t really matter that much,” daily Dawn newspaper quoted Jalal Haider as saying.
Nearly 50,000 people plan to march through the streets of Islamabad on Saturday in order to protest against the ongoing sectarian violence and growing insecurity across the county.
Violence has surged against Shia Muslims in different parts of Pakistan in recent months. Since the beginning of 2012, hundreds of Shias have been killed in various parts of the militancy-wracked country.
Pakistan's pro-Taliban militants have launched a violent campaign against Shia Muslims over the past years. According to local sources, militants affiliated to Taliban and al-Qaeda terrorist groups have killed thousands of Shia Muslims in the region since the start of the campaign.
The country’s Shia leaders have called on the government to form a judicial commission to investigate the bloodshed.
The killing of Shias in Pakistan has sparked international outrage, with rights groups and regional countries expressing concern over the ongoing carnage. Still, those behind the violence are rarely caught or punished.
Human Rights Watch issued a statement in September asking the Pakistani government to “urgently act” to protect the Shia Muslims in Pakistan.


Ukhalifa na ungozi baada ya Mtume ilikuwa ni sababu iliyopelekea waislamu kugawanyika makundi mawili shia na sunni
 Ambapo masuni walidai kuwa mtume amewaachia waislamu wamchague kiongozi wamtakaye ambapo wakamchagua Abubakar bin kuhafah  kuwa Khalifa. na Mashia wakasema kuwa mtume aliacha amemchagua atayekuwa kiongozi baada yake ambaye ni Sayyidna Ally bin Abi Talib na kizazi chake.
Mpaka kufika hapa tunaona kuwa mtume na maswahaba ndio msingi na mhimili mkuu wa madhehebu ya Suni.
Na kwa upande wa mashia msingi na mhimili wao mkuu ni  mtume na watu wa nyumbani  kwa  mtume (Ahlul bayt a.s).
   Na hapa tunaona kuwa madhehebu haya mawili yanashuhudia kuwa: Mwenyezi Mungu ni Mmoja, hakuzaa wala hakuzaliwa na mtume Muhammad (s.a.w) ndiye mtume wa mwisho, madhehebu haya pia wanasali sala tano, wanafunga, wana kwenda hijja, wanatoa zaka na wanaamini ufufuo baada ya kifo.
 Kwa kifupi hakuna shaka kwamba madhehebu haya, yanashikamana na misingi ya dini ya kiislamu kama inavyotakiwa.
Lakini  jambo la kusikitisha ni kwamba kadri muda unavyo kwenda ndivyo  madhehebu mapya yanajitokeza na kujipa majina ya kuvutia, wakisambaza fikra potofu na hatimaye kuchafua jina na kushusha hadhi ya  waislamu na Uislam kwa jumla. Madhehebu haya yamewakufurisha kila waliopingana na mitazamo yao na hata kutoa hukumu ya kuawa wapinzani wao, wanafanya haya yote wakiamini kuwa wenyewe tu, ndio waislamu halisi na madhehebu mengine yoote ni uzushi na upotefu mtupu.
   Jambo la kutia moyo ni kwamba Allah ameahidi kuilinda dini yake hata kama jambo hili litawaudhi baadhi ya watu.
 Kama nilivyo tanguliza kusema hapo juu kuwa madhehebu makuu ni mawili na mengine ni matawi ya madhehebu haya, ningependa kuelezea itikadi na mitazamo za madhehebu haya, lakini kwa kuwa dhehebu la sunni ndio dhehebu lenye wafuasi wengi sana Tanzania na hata Afrika kwa Ujumla, sita lizungumzia dhehebu hili kwakina, bali nitapenda kuelezea dhehebu la Shia au (Ahlul bayt) ili tupate kuwatambua watu hawa.
Neno Shia katika lugha ya kiarabu lina maana ya mfuasi.
Katika historia neno Shia limetumika kuwaita watu wafuatao:
1. Limetumika kuwaita wanaoitikadia kuwa Sayyidna Alli bin Abii Talib ndiye sahaba bora kuliko masahaba wote.
2. Pia linatumika kuwa ita wanaoitikadia kuwa mtume aliacha amemchagua Sayyidna Ally bin abi Talib na kizazi chake kuwa ni makhalifa na viongozi wa Uislamu baada yake, na wala hakuacha waislamu wafanye uchaguzi wa makhalifa kama ilivyo kwa dhehebu la sunni.
Mashia nitaowazungumzia hapa ni mashia kwa maana ya pili ambao kwa jina lingine wanaitwa:  madhehebu ya Ahlul bayt au Shia Ithna asharia .
Hivyo Allah akinipa taufiki, katika mada ifuatayo
Nitazungumzia dhehebu hili ili liwe wazi kwa woote.

Ahmadinejad once again calls for new world order

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has reaffirmed the need for fundamental changes for the creation of a new world order on the basis of justice and humanity, saying the era of capitalism has reached its end.

“A fundamental change and the establishment of a new humane order require firm determination and will and joint efforts by all countries. Each and every one of us must enforce the determination to participate in the process of achieving a sustainable peace, and finally security and welfare for people,” Ahmadinejad said in an address to the summit of the Group of Eight Developing Countries (D8) in Pakistan's capital, Islamabad, on Thursday. 

He added that regional countries and nations should play a leading role in “defining and establishing the new world order in the future” thanks to their rich history and culture and unique resources. 

He emphasized that the recognition of rights is considered as a “basic right for all humans” in this new global order, noting that all human beings can have their legitimate and absolute rights to enjoy a sustainable peace, security, welfare and progress. 
During the past decades, we witnessed the emergence of a complicated system of colonialism and hegemony which has affected global resources and taken its toll on all of us, Ahmadinejad stated. 

Former colonial powers, who were masters adept at slavery, have now taken up a new face with different slogans to plunder the resources of nations on the basis of offensive teachings, he pointed out. 

The Iranian chief executive added that militarism, aggression and violation of national sovereignty of countries have increased in states such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan.

“All of us seek to put an end to unilateralism, aggression and arms race,” Ahmadinejad said. 

He stressed the importance of bolstering cooperation to make use of resources and the economic, political and geographical potentials in order to “play a key role in securing welfare for nations and making reforms in the global order.” 

We can strengthen our relations more than ever before and resist against hegemonic powers to protect our nations’ interests, the Iranian president pointed out. 

President Ahmadinejad arrived in Islamabad Wednesday night to attend the D8 summit. He also held talks with his Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali Zardari on the sidelines of the summit. 

The D8 group comprises Iran, Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Egypt, Bangladesh and Indonesia. 

With a population of one billion people, the D8 group has a combined market value of one trillion dollars. It is determined to boost its trade volume to USD 500 billion by 2018. 

Thursday 22 November 2012

Israel sources say Iron Dome intercepted 420 Palestinian rockets

Israeli sources say the Iron Dome missile shield has intercepted about 420 out of some 1,500 rockets fired by the Palestinian resistance fighters into Israeli cities in retaliation for the deadly Israeli attacks on Gaza.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

M23 rebels capture another city in eastern DR Congo

Congolese rebels have taken control of the town of Sake in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a day after capturing the city of Goma on the Rwandan border.

"We are not going to stop at Goma, we will go as far as Bukavu, Kisangani and Kinshasa," the spokesman for the March 23 movement (M23), Vianney Kazarama, said on Wednesday. 

M23 rebels, widely believed to be backed by Rwanda, overran the eastern city of Goma on Tuesday with no resistance from UN and government troops. 

"The journey to liberate Congo has started now," said Kazarama, calling on Congolese President Joseph Kabila to step down. 

Earlier in the day, Kabila held talks with his Ugandan and Rwandan counterparts in the Ugandan capital Kampala, calling on the rebels to withdraw from Goma immediately. 

On Tuesday, the United States urged Rwanda to encourage M23 rebels to pull out of the city. 

"We condemn the ongoing violent assault of M23 and the fact that it's now taken Goma in violation of the sovereignty of the DRC," US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in Washington. 

The M23 rebels defected from the Congolese army in April in protest over alleged mistreatment in the FARDC. They had previously been integrated into the Congolese army under a peace deal signed in 2009. 

The mutiny is being led by General Bosco Ntaganda, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court on a charge of recruiting child soldiers. 

Since early May, over 750,000 people have fled their homes in the eastern Congo. Most of them have resettled inside Congo, but tens of thousands have crossed into neighboring Rwanda and Uganda. 

Congo has faced numerous problems over the past few decades, such as grinding poverty, crumbling infrastructure, and a war in the east of the country that has dragged on for over a decade and left over 5.5 million people dead. 

Hamas chief thanks Iran for its support during war on Gaza

Hamas Political Bureau Chief Khaled Meshaal has thanked the Islamic Republic of Iran for helping the Gaza Strip in its victory against the Israeli regime’s attack.

Mashal made the remarks in a press conference in Cairo on Tuesday, adding Iran "had a role in arming” and financing Gazans during the war. 

Hamas chief stated that Israel has failed to achieve any of its goals noting, “After eight days, God stayed their hand from the people of Gaza, and they were compelled to submit to the conditions of the resistance.”

He warned Tel Aviv against violating the cease-fire agreement between the Palestinian resistance movement and the Israeli regime. 

He also thanked ceasefire mediator Egypt, stating that the African country “acted responsibly and understood the demands of the resistance and the Palestinian people.” 

Moreover, Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah also said in a televised speech that the truce between Hamas and the Israeli regime is a victory for Palestine. 

“We should learn from this great experience to benefit from it and reinforce our power,” Nasrallah said. 

Earlier in the day, Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohammed Kamel Amr announced during a joint press conference with the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the Israeli regime and the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas have reached a ceasefire agreement. 

Following the truce agreement, Gazans poured into the street to celebrate the victory by chanting “God is great,” and "The resistance is victorious." 

Under the deal, Palestinians and Israelis agreed to end all hostilities against each other. Israel also agreed to open all crossings and facilitate the movement of people and goods in and out of the Gaza Strip, but it did not accept to lift the blockade of the Gaza Strip. 

The Israeli regime’s deadly offensive on the blockaded Gaza Strip killed 162 Palestinians since November 14. 

In retaliation, Palestinian resistance fighters continued to pour rockets and missiles into the Israeli cities, killing at least five Israelis, including one soldier. 

Gaza has been blockaded since 2007, a situation that has caused a decline in the standard of living, unrelenting poverty, and unprecedented unemployment rate among the population of about 1.7 million Palestinians. 

Iran gave Hamas only technical know-how of Fajr 5 missile: Cmdr.

Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad-Ali Jafari says Iran has provided the Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, with only the technology to produce Fajr 5 (Dawn) missiles.

“Gaza is currently under siege so we cannot help them,” Jafari said on Wednesday, adding that Iran has only transferred the know-how to produce Fajr 5 missiles to Gaza and they are being produced quickly. 

“We offer all Muslims technological aid to [help them] stand up against arrogant powers and we offer [to give] them our experiences to defend their people,” the IRGC commander said.

Major General Jafari made the remarks in response to Israeli claims that Iran has provided Hamas with Fajr 5 missiles. 

At least 150 Palestinians have lost their lives and 1,200 others have been injured as the Tel Aviv regime continues its deadly strikes against the besieged Gaza Strip for the eighth consecutive day. 

In the latest offensive, Israeli jets also hit the office of Agence France-Presse (AFP) in Gaza city killing one person. Tel Aviv has attacked the costal enclave 1,500 times since November 14. 

The Iranian commander added that Iran supports a ceasefire between Gaza and Israel if such a truce is to the interest of Palestinians. 


The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) defines a good friend in these words: "He is the one whose very sight makes you remember Allah, whose conversation increases your knowledge and whose deeds remind you of the world in the Hereafter"(Biharul Anwar, Vol.XV, p.51)

Friday 16 November 2012

Hongereni kwa kuingia mwaka mpya wa kiislamu 1434

Ninapenda kutoa mkono wangu wa pongezi kwa watu wote duniani kwa kuweza kuingia ndani ya mwaka mpya wa kiislamu kwa amani na furaha. Ninamwomba Mwenyezi Mungu Allah (sw) atusameha waovu yote tuliyoyafanya katika mwaka uliopita kisha atujalie uchamungu na tuweze kujiepusha na maasi katika mwaka huu.

Wakati tukiwa na sherehe za mwaka mpya tukumbuke vilevile matukio makubwa yaliyotokea ndani ya Uislamu katika tarehe na mwezi huu wa Muharram. Siku kumi za mwanzo za mwezi huu mwaka 61 waliteswa na kuuawa shahidi baadhi ya viongozi wa kiislamu ambao waliuliwa na mtawala dhalimu Yazid ibn Muawiyyah ni kutokana na kiongozi wa wachamungu hao Imamu Hussein kukataa kuwa chini ya utawala dhalimu. 
Kwani Yazid ambaye baadhi ya waislamu wanamuita kiongozi wa waumini alikuwa mlevi, haswali, mzinzi aliyepindukia na asiyejali utu. Rushwa, uzinifu na dhuluma zilitapaa kila kona ya nchi na kuwalazimisha waumini wa Kufa, Iraq, wamuite Imam ili awaokoe kutokana na ukandamizaji huo. Imam aliamua kwenda lakini kabla kufika Kufa alikutana na kikosi cha jeshi la adui katika eneo la Karbala na kuwauwa wanaume na watoto wa kiume wapatao sabini na mbili, wengi wao walikuwa wajukuu wa mtume Mohammad (saww) na Wafuasi wao. Wanawake walichukuliwa mateka na kuvuliwa hijabu kisha walitembezwa mji mpaka mwingine wakiwa dhalili kabisa huku mbele ya msafala huo kikiwekwa kichwa cha Imam Hussein. Innalillah wa innailahir rajiun.

Israeli tanks moving toward Gaza border, ready for ground attack

Israeli tanks and armored vehicles are reportedly moving toward Gaza for a possible ground offensive as the death toll from Israeli attacks on the Palestinian enclave rises to 25. 
Scores of Israeli tanks have already been deployed near the Gaza border for a possible ground invasion.  Dozens of military trucks were seen transporting tanks and military commanders are preparing 16,000 of them for a possible ground invasion of Gaza.
Senior cabinet minister Moshe Yaalon confirmed on Friday that armored personnel carriers toward Gaza late on Thursday. Many buses carrying soldiers also headed toward the border area. 
According to Israeli sources, Tel Aviv has called up 30,000 reserve soldiers for the operations and that 
Israel was considering a ground operation against the Palestinian enclave. 
At least 25 Palestinians, including a senior Hamas commander, have been killed and over 250 others injured in Israeli attacks in Gaza since Wednesday when the Israeli army launched the so-called "Operation Pillar of Defense" against the Palestinian territory. 
Five people, including a woman, were killed in Israeli airstrikes on Gaza City and Khan Yunis on Friday. Many others were also injured in the attacks. 
The Israeli Army says it has carried out 466 air strikes against Gaza in the past three days. Palestinian fighters have also fired hundreds of rockets into Israel in response to the deadly attacks. Palestinian rockets have hit several Israeli cities, including Tel Aviv. It is the first time that Tel Aviv has come under attack in decades. 
Israeli media reports say the Iron Dome missile shield has only intercepted one-fifth of the rockets fired from the Gaza Strip since Wednesday. 
Meanwhile, a Palestinian rocket landed near the US Embassy in Tel Aviv, witnesses said.

Palestinians shoot down Israeli F-16 fighter jet in Gaza

Palestinian fighters have downed an Israeli warplane flying over the Gaza Strip as retaliatory rocket attacks from the enclave continue to sound alarms across Israel.

According to Hamas sources, the Israeli F-16 fighter jet was shot down on Friday. 

Meanwhile, several Israelis were injured after three rockets fired from Gaza hit the Zionist settlement of Gush Etzion in al-Quds (Jerusalem). 

Palestinian missiles and rockets have also hit the other Israeli cities of Tel Aviv, Eshkol, Ashdod, Ashkelon, and Be'er Sheva. 

In Tel Aviv, a rocket hit a commercial district while a second rocket landed 200 meters away from the American Embassy. It is the first time that Tel Aviv has come under attack in decades. Three Israeli soldiers have been injured in a rocket attack in Eshkol.

Hospitals across Israel are now in state of emergency. 

Palestinians have fired over 550 rockets and missiles into Israel since Wednesday after Tel Aviv launched a major military strike against the besieged Palestinian territory, killing scores of people, including women and children. 

The Israeli Army says it has hit more than 600 targets in Gaza during the past three days. 

According to Israeli sources, the Iron Dome missile shield has only intercepted one-fifth of the rockets fired from the Gaza Strip. 

Meanwhile, residents of the besieged Gaza Strip say they are getting text messages warning of military escalation as reports suggest that Israeli military forces are preparing for a ground invasion of Gaza. 

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Iran successfully hits drone using Shalamcheh missile

Iran has successfully test-fired the indigenous Shalamcheh missile on the third day of large-scale military drills in the eastern part of the country.

The Shalamcheh missile was fired from the Mersad (Ambush) air defense system at a Karrar drone, which was destroyed, during the Modafe'an-e Aseman-e Velayat 4 (Defenders of the Skies of Velayat 4) drill on Wednesday. 

The medium-range Shalamcheh, which can be also used as a short-range missile, travels at the speed of three Machs and is resistant to enemy electronic warfare. 

Iran’s Army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) are jointly staging the massive military drill which began on Monday. 

An upgraded high-precision long-range S-200 ground-to-air defense system, and two indigenous missile systems named Qader and Ya Zahra III were successfully tested on Wednesday 

Electronic and surveillance systems used to detect and intercept manned and unmanned enemy aircraft flying at low altitude, Iran Air Force F-14 and F-4 fighter jets, artillery fire, shoulder-launched weapons as well as low-altitude missile systems were also tested during the maneuver’s third day. 

Sunday 11 November 2012

Iran plans to launch satellite to GEO: IRGC chief

A schematic view of GEO
The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says Iran will soon launch a satellite into the Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO), a circular orbit more than 35,000 kilometers above the planet’s equator.

Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said on Sunday that the satellite would be carried on a missile which had been developed by the senior IRGC commander, Hassan Tehrani Moqaddam, before his martyrdom a year ago.

The Iranian general added that numerous young scientists have joined the IRGC Self-Sufficiency Organization since Tehrani Moqaddam’s martyrdom to push ahead with his projects.
Jafari stated that Iran is one of the few states capable of launching satellites into GEO, adding: “With this missile and on this level, I don’t think that except for two or three countries and Iran, any other country would be capable of sending satellites into GEO.”
He emphasized that scientific progress in Iran will continue in all sectors.

“Western governments and the United States are likely to feel threatened by Iran’s scientific progress. That’s natural, but we will do our job.”

Iran launched its first indigenous satellite, Omid (Hope), in 2009. The country also sent its first biocapsule of living creatures into space in February 2010, using the indigenous Kavoshgar-3 (Explorer-3) carrier.

Moreover, in June 2011, Iran put the 15.3-kilogram Rasad (Observation) orbiter in space. Rasad's mission was to take images of the Earth and transmit them along with telemetry information to the ground stations.

Iran also launched Navid-e Elm-o Sanat (Harbinger of Science and Industry), another indigenous satellite, into orbit on February 3, 2012.

The country is one of the 24 founding members of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, which was set up in 1959.

Tehran also plans to launch the country's first manned mission to space by 2019.