Wednesday 27 June 2012


Imam Ali bin Abi Talib alikuwa ni mrithi wa Mtume Muhammad, amani ziwe juu yao. Huu ni mkusanyiko wa
nukuu fupi fupi kumhusu yeye kutoka kwenye maelezo mbali mbali ya wasomi wa imani nyingine, wakiwamo wanataaluma, waandishi, wanafalsafa, washairi, wanasiasa na wanaharakati.

Dr. Henry Stubbe (1632-1676) Muhafidhina, Mwanafizikia, na mwanafalsafa:
“Hakuipenda dunia na mapambo yake bali alimcha sana Mwenyezi Mungu, alitoa sadaka nyingi, alikuwa mwadilifu katika vitendo vyake vyote, mnyenyekevu na mwepesi wa kuzoeana na watu; huku akiwa na maneno ya haraka ya kufurahisha na ubunifu usio wa kawaida, alikuwa na elimu maridhawa, sio elimu zinazoishia kwa maneno tu bali zinazoendelea kwa vitendo.”
[An Account of the Rise and Progress of Mahometanism, 1705, Uk. 83]

Gerald de Gaury (1897 - 1984) Mwanajeshi mahiri na mwanadiplomasia:
“Alikuwa ana hekima sana katika kutoa ushauri, na shujaa vitani, mkweli kwa marafiki zake na mkarimu kwa maadui zake. Yeye daima alikuwa ni ruwaza ya heshima na maadili mema ya kiislamu.”
[Rulers of Mecca, London, 1951, Uk. 49]

Wilferd Madelung
Profesa wa lugha ya kiarabu, chuo kikuu cha Oxford:
"Kwenye madai ya uongo ya Bani Umayya ya kuuhalalisha utawala wa Mwenyezi Mungu kuwa wao ni makhalifa wa Mungu duniani, na ulaghai wao na serikali yao yenye mizozo na kulipiza kisasi, pamoja na hayo yote, waliukubali uaminifu wake kutolegalega kwake na kujitolea katika kuutumikia uongozi wa kipindi hicho wa kiislamu, uaminifu wake binafsi, kuwatendea usawa wote waliomuunga mkono na pia ukarimu wake wa
kuwasamehe maadui wake aliowashinda."
[The succession to Muhammad: a study of the early caliphate, Cambridge, 1997, Uk. 309-310]

Charles Mills (1788 - 1826) Mwanahistoria bingwa wa enzi zake:
“Akiwa ni kiongozi wa familia ya Hashim na binamu na mkwe wa (Mtume) ambaye waarabu walimheshimu… inashangaza kuwa Ali hakuandaliwa kuwa khalifa mara tu bada ya kufa Muhammad. Pamoja na heshima ya kuzaliwa kwake na ndoa yake, pia alikuwa na urafiki na Mtume. Huyu mtoto wa Abu Talib alikuwa ni wa mwanzo kuingia Uislam na alikuwa ni kipenzi cha Mohammad, kwani alikuwa ni wa pili kama alivyokuwa Harun kwa Musa. Kipaji chake kama msemaji, na ujasiri wake kama shujaa, vilitukuzwa na taifa ambalo ujasiri ulikuwa ni sifa njema na ufasaha ulikuwa ni busara.”
[An history of Muhammedanism, London, 1818, Uk. 89]

Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) Mwanahistoria mskochi, mkosoaji, na mwandishi wa elimu ya jamii:
“Kuhusu huyu kijana Ali, mtu yeyote atampenda tu. Ni kiumbe mwenye akili kuu, kama anavyojionyesha yeye mwenyewe sasa, na kila siku na baadaye; mwenye mapenzi maridhawa, mwenye ujasiri wa hali ya juu. Ana uungwana; shujaa kama simba; huku akiwa na huruma, ukweli na mapenzi yafaayo kwa imani ya kikristo.” [On Heroes, Hero-Worship, And the Heroic in History, 1841, Hotuba 2: The Hero
as Prophet. Mahomet: Islam., Mei 8, 1840)]

Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) Mwanahistoria mkuu wa kiingereza katika enzi zake:
"Sifa kuu alizokuwa nazo Ali hazikuzidiwa na mbadilishaji dini yeyote wa siku za hivi karibuni. Alichanganya sifa za kuwa ni mshairi, mwanajeshi, na mcha Mungu; busara zake bado zinapatikana kwenye mkusanyiko wa misemo yake ya kimaadili na ya kidini; na kila adui, kwenye vita vya maneno au vya upanga, alishindwa na ufasaha na ujasiri wake. Kuanzia saa ya mwanzo ya ujumbe wake wa dini mpaka mwisho wa ibada za kuzikwa kwake, Mtume Muhammad hajaachwa kuwa na rafiki mkarimu, ambaye alifurahishwa kwa kumwita kuwa ni ndugu yake, wasii wake, na kuwa yeye (Ali) ni ‘Harun mwaminifu’ wa ‘Nabii Musa’ wa pili." [The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, London, 1911, Juz. 5, Uk. 381-2]

Philip Khuri Hitti (1886-1978) Profesa wa lugha za kisemiti, Chuo kikuu cha Princeton:
“Shujaa vitani, mwenye busara katika ushauri, fasaha wa kuzungumza, mkweli kwa marafiki zake, anayeheshimiwa na maadui zake. Yeye alikuwa ni ruwaza wa heshima na maadili mema ya kiislamu. Na alikuwa ni Suleiman wa utamaduni wa kiarabu, ambapo kwake mashairi, methali, hotuba na simulizi - zisizo na idadi - zimekusanyika.” [History of the Arabs, London, 1964, Uk. 183]

Sir William Muir (1819 - 1905) Msomi na kiongozi wa kiskochi. Alikuwa na wadhifa wa Waziri wa
mambo ya nchi za nje katika serikali ya India, pia alikuwa Lieutenant Gavana wa mkoa wa Kaskazini Magharib:
“Alijaaliwa kipaji cha maarifa, mwenye mapenzi, na mwenye kujifunga na urafiki, tangu uvulana wake alikuwa amejitolea roho na moyo wake kwa Mtume. Mnyenyekevu, mpole, na asiyependa makuu. Ambapo baada ya kupita siku kadhaa, alipotawala nusu ya ulimwengu wa kiislamu, kwa hakika alilazimishwa pasi na kutaka.” [The Life of Mahomet, London, 1877, Uk. 250]

Simon Ockley (1678-1720) Profesa wa lugha ya kiarabu katika chuo kikuu Cambridge:
“Jambo moja maalum ambalo lapaswa kugunduliwa kwa Ali, ni kwamba mama yake alimzaa Makka ndani ya Al-Kaaba, ambapo haijawahi kutokea kwa mtu yeyote.”
[History of the Saracens, London, 1894, Uk. 331]

Washington Irving
(1783-1859) Aalijulikana kama “The first American man of letters”:  "Ali alikuwa anatokana na tawi lenye heshima kuu katika matawi ya kikureishi. Alikuwa na sifa tatu zilizokuwa zikitukuzwa sana kwa waarabu:
Ujasiri, ufasaha na ukarimu. Moyo wake usio na hofu ulimpatia sifa kutoka kwa Mtume ya kuwa simba wa Mungu, mifano ya ufasaha wake imebaki katika baadhi ya semi na kuhifadhiwa miongoni mwa waarabu; na ukarimu wake ulionekana dhahiri katika kupenda kwake kugawana na watu, kila siku ya ijumaa, kile kilichobaki katika hazina. Kuhusu utukufu wake, tumetoa mifano mara kwa mara; utukufu wake ulichukia kila kitu chenye udanganyifu na uchoyo."[Lives of the Successors of Mahomet, London, 1850, Uk. 165]

"Yeye alikuwa ni mmoja wa miongoni mwa wa mwisho na wenye thamani miongoni mwa waislamu wa kale, ambaye alikusanya nguvu ya kidini kwa ushindi akiwa na Mtume mwenyewe, na kufuata ruwaza ya mwisho kabisa ya Mtume Muhammad. Yeye ni mtu anayetajwa kwa heshima kama khalifa wa kwanza aliye kirimu na kulinda elimu. Alikuwa ndani ya mashairi yeye mwenyewe, na nyingi miongoni mwa methali na semi zake zimehifadhiwa na kufasiriwa katika lugha mbalimbali. Pete yake ilikuwa na maandishi haya:
'Ufalme ni wa Mwenyezi Mungu'. Moja katika semi zake inaonyesha jinsi alivyokuwa hathamini vivutio vinavyopita tu vya dunia, ni (kusema kwake): 'Maisha ni kivuli tu cha mawingu - ndoto ya mwenye kulala.'"
[Lives of the Successors of Mahomet, London, 1850, Uk. 187-8]

Robert Durey Osborn (1835-1889) Meja wa kikosi cha the Bengal Staff Corps:
“Pamoja naye umepotea moyo hasa na Muislamu bora ambaye Historia ya Mohammad imehifadhi kumbukumbu hiyo.”
[Islam Under the Arabs, 1876, Uk. 120]

Pakistanis consider United States an enemy country

Pakistani lawyers burn an effigy of US President Barack Obama to condemn US-led deadly airstrikes on two checkpoints on the Afghan border in November 2011. (File photo)

Three-in-four Pakistanis consider the United States an enemy country, a new survey conducted by the Washington-based Pew Global Attitudes Project indicates.

The Pew survey, which was published on its website on Wednesday, said that last year 69 percent used to hate the US but in 2012 the figure jumped to 74 percent.

The survey also showed an exceptionally low regard for US President Barack Obama among Pakistanis. They believe Obama is as bad a leader as former US President George W. Bush had been during his final year in office.
US-Pakistan relations have been strained over the civilian casualties caused by the non-UN-sanctioned US drone attacks, and over a number of other issues.

Under intense public pressure, Islamabad closed the border crossings used to transfer NATO supplies to US-led forces occupying Afghanistan in November 2011 after 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed in US-led airstrikes on two checkpoints on the Afghan border.

Thousands of Pakistanis have lost their lives in bombings and other militant attacks since the US-led war in Afghanistan began on October 7, 2001. The offensive removed the Taliban from power, but it also unleashed forces of extremism and terrorism in neighboring Pakistan.

In addition, the Pew Global Attitudes Project survey also showed that former cricket star Imran Khan has remained the most popular politician in the country. More than 70 percent of the people offer a favorable opinion of Khan, who leads Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Movement for Justice or PTI). This is basically unchanged from last year, but up considerably from 2010.

Khan’s stance on US war on terror, which he calls a war of terror, his strong views on CIA’s drone attacks in Pakistan’s northwest tribal region, which the US has been carrying out since 2008, his struggle for the rule of law, justice, equality, and the eradication of corruption, have endeared the PTI leader to the people of Pakistan.
Meanwhile, approval ratings of President Asif Ali Zardari and his Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) have plunged badly. Only 14 percent view Zardari favorably, down drastically from 64 percent in 2008.

US drone attacks kill 29 in eastern Somalia

A US assassination drone. (File Photo)

Dozens more have been injured in the attacks in the eastern town of Balad. The attacks reportedly destroyed at least three al-Shabab militant bases. This comes a day after African Union and Somali troops captured Balad.
US assassination drones attacked the militants' Harweyne training base in Elasha Biyaha on the outskirts of Mogadishu on Friday, leaving at least 39 dead.

Washington has carried out assassination attacks using the unmanned aircraft in other countries including Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, and Yemen.

The United States claims the CIA-run strikes are aimed at militants. But witness reports and figures offered by local authorities indicate the attacks are taking a heavy toll on civilians.

The United Nations has also condemned the drone strikes, saying they pose a challenge to international law.

The weak Western-backed transitional government in Mogadishu has been battling al-Shabab for the past five years and is propped up by a 12,000-strong AU force from Uganda, Burundi, and Djibouti.


Boko Haram militants (file photo)

Late on Wednesday, two suspected Boko Haram members were killed by security forces in the northeastern city of Damaturu in Yobe state, The Daily Telegraph quoted state police chief Patrick Egbuniwe as saying.
He added that two civilians were also killed in the clashes.

In another incident in the eastern state of Taraba, gunmen attacked a police station, killing three policemen and two civilians.
Ibrahim Idris, the police chief of the northern city of Kano said on Wednesday that 17 militants and a policeman were killed in a gun battle in the city late on Tuesday.

Following a recent spate of deadly attacks by Boko Haram, in which nearly 150 people died, Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan fired his national security adviser and defense minister on June 22.

On June 5, Nigerian troops shot and killed 16 members of the militant group in the northeastern city of Maiduguri, Boko Haram’s stronghold.
On May 11, Nigerian security forces arrested Suleiman Mohammed, Boko Haram's head of operations in Kano, along with his wife and five children, during a raid on his house in the northern city.

The extremist group has claimed responsibility for a number of deadly gun and bomb attacks in various parts of Nigeria since 2009.
Human rights groups report that violent actions by Boko Haram since mid-2009 have claimed more than 1,000 lives, including over 300 this year alone. 

The problem became severe because, the people who are entrusted  with security are supporters of Boko Haram. In many incidents when they commit crime security forces go to fight Shias who has got peaceful islamic movement. Up to now more than 130 Shias are in custody. President Jonathan try to consider this fact.


Towards end of semester examinations we will have very good dua in Chamwino Morogoro special for asking Allah to keep us fit to sit for examination. Also we expect that by the Gods power all of us we will pass examinations.
This dua will be done on today at 1500 hours. All of you are welcome

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Syria’s new cabinet takes oath before Bashar al-Assad

 Riyad Hijab is sworn in as new Prime Minister by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (R) in Damascus in this handout photo distributed by Syrian News Agency (SANA) June 26, 2012.
Members of Syria’s new government under the newly appointed Prime Minister Riad Farid Hijab, have taken constitutional oath before President Bashar al-Assad, the state television reports.

The president issued Decree 210 on Saturday, ordering formation of a new cabinet under Prime Minister Riad Hijab, as part of his reform efforts.
The new government with 20 new ministers and six new ministries include two opposition figures from the People's Will Party and the newly created ministry of national reconciliation.

Three key portfolios remained unchanged as Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem as well as Defense Minister Dawoud Rajiha and Interior Minister Mohammad al-Sha'ar have remained in their posts from the last cabinet.
On June 6, President Assad appointed former Agriculture Minister Riad Farid Hijab as the Syrian premier.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011.

The anti-Damascus Western governments have been calling for the overthrow of President Assad over the past few months.
The armed groups in Syria have been supported by the United States and its regional allies including Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Analysts say that these countries are using every possible way to accomplish their objective of regime change in Syria.

Zionist cartels behind global economic crisis: US economist

“There is an intimate connection between the collapse of the financial system, both in the United States and worldwide, and US international policy and its manipulation by a class of hyper-wealthy Jewish Zionists,” Joachim Martillo said in an interview on Monday.

He also pointed to the Zionist cartels’ grip over the Wall Street structure, saying, “We have these vast, essentially ethnic networks on Wall Street. They have been there for a long time.”

Martillo called on world governments to adopt an “honest” and “serious” approach to bring an end to “the ethnic manipulation, the corruption and conspiracy” of the Zionist cartels that have led to endless cycles of debt in the US and across the world.

Commenting on the plans of many governments across the world to bail out the banks, he argued, “If their losses are going to be borne by the public but their profits go into the pockets of individual bankers, that makes no sense.”

Various eurozone member states, including Spain and Italy, have been struggling with economic stagnancy since the European Union’s financial crisis began roughly five years ago.

Greece is at the epicenter of the eurozone debt crisis and its government has introduced harsh austerity measures in return for an international bailout package that has kept the debt-stricken country's economy afloat for two years.

Meanwhile, the dire economic situation, corruption, poverty, and social and economic inequality in the US gave rise to the anti-capitalism Occupy movement in major cities in the US and across the world in September 2011.

In the US, the protesters use the slogan, "We are the 99 percent" to distinguish themselves from the one percent of US citizens who are in possession of the greatest portion of the nation's wealth.

Saturday 23 June 2012


Ameokotwa mtoto wa kiume katika eneo la Unit 3 Mazimbu Campus ya Chuo Kikuu cha Kilimo (SUA), Tanzania akiwa ametupwa katika masinki ya maji machafu. Mtoto huyo akiwa amekufa kama anavyoonekana katika picha anasemekana kutupwa na mwanachuo mmojawapo wa hapa Solomon Mahlangu (Mazimbu) campus. Mwandishi wa habari hizi ameshuhudia mazingira mabaya ya wanachuo wa hapa ambao hawana hata chembe ya dini. Utawakuta wanatembea wamevaa nguo mithili ya machangudoa. Uasharati umeshamiri kwa kiwango cha juu na huwezi kuamini kwamba hawa ndio wasomi wa chuo kikuu.

Tunatoa wito kwa viongozi wa dini, hasa viongozi wa Uislam kuongeza juhudi katika kuelimisha wananchi ili wafuate mafunzo sahihi ya dini na kuacha uasharati. Nimesema uislamu kwa sababu ndio dini pekee ambayo imeonesha njia kuwaandaa waumini wake wavae nguo za stara na wajiepushe na zinaa na mambo yote machafu.

Friday 22 June 2012

Nyerere na fitna za Upemba na Uunguja

na Ahmed Rajab

ALIPOFARIKI  dunia Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Oktoba 14 mwaka 1999, gazeti la Guardian la Uingereza liliniomba niandike makala maalumu ya kuyatathmini maisha yake.
Nilipokuwa naanza kuiandika tathmini hiyo iliyochapishwa siku ya pili yake, niliyakumbuka aliyowahi kuyasema Mwenyekiti Mao wa China kumhusu Josef Stalin, mtawala wa pili wa Muungano wa Sovieti baada ya Vladimir Lenin.
Nami nikayatumia maneno hayohayo kuanzia makala yangu  kwa kuandika: Julius Nyerere was "a great leader who made great mistakes," as one ruler once famously said of another.(“Julius Nyerere alikuwa “kiongozi mkubwa (adhimu) aliyefanya makosa makubwa,” chambilecho mtawala mmoja aliyewahi kumuelezea hivyo mtawala mwenzake.)
Nyerere alifanya makosa ya kinadharia, ya kifikra na ya kiutendaji katika utekelezaji wa sera zake. Sikulidhukuru jina la Stalin kwa sababu sikutaka wasomaji wangu wafanye kosa la kudhania namfananisha Nyerere na Stalin.  Siamini kama Nyerere alikuwa na uovu wa Stalin.  Na kama ilivyokuwa kwa Stalin si yote ya Nyerere yaliyokuwa maovu.  Alitenda mema yanayostahiki sifa.
Watu wa kale wasema: “Kheri ya mja ni ulimi wake na shari ya mja ni huohuo.”  Kwa ulimi wake Nyerere aliwahi kutamka maneno ya maana na mengine ya kibahaluli. Baadhi ya maneno yake yalikuwa kama lulu na baadhi yalikuwa kama utumbo kama pale, kwa mfano, aliposema kuwa hakuna watu waitwao Waswahili.  Nilimsikia akiyasema hayo alipotoa hotuba katika ukumbi wa London School of Economics alipokuwa ziarani London kabla ya kuuacha urais.
Yote hayo yaonyesha kwamba Nyerere alikuwa mja, mtu kama watu wengine.  Hakuwa Mungu, hakuwa malaika. Wala hakuwa mtume na hata hakuwa mpigaji ramli.  Na si kila alichokitamka kilikuwa sahihi.  Lakini binadamu yule alikuwa na ulimi uliowalaza wengi na kuwafanya waache kufikiri kwani alikuwa na kipaji cha kuwafanya waamini kwamba kila alilolisema lilikuwa la kweli kabisa na hivyo hapakuwa na haja ya kumfanya mtu mwengine alifikirie.  Ilikuwa nadra kumpata mtu aliyethubutu kumpinga au kumkosoa, hasa kadamnasi.   Walikuwapo waliochelea kukiona cha mtema kuni na wengine waliridhia kuwa vibarakalla vya kuitika tu ‘hewala bwana.’
Moja ya makosa makubwa aliyoyafanya Nyerere kwa kusudi, ni hilo la kuwafanya wananchi wenzake waache kufikiri na wawe wanayafuata tu aliyokuwa akiyasema bila ya kuyazingatia au kuyapima.
Miongoni mwa aliyowahi kuyasema Nyerere ni kuwa ati iwapo Zanzibar itaachana na Tanganyika basi Tanganyika kutakuwa shuwari lakini Wazanzibari wataanza kubaguana baina ya Wapemba na Waunguja na halafu wataendelea kutafutana asili zao. 
Tangu wiki iliyopita waandishi kadhaa wa Bara wamekuwa wakiyanukuu haya kana kwamba ni maneno yenye ukweli usiopingika.  Hii ni fitna tu; na inatumiwa kuwatisha na kuwagawa Wazanzibari.
Wakoloni walipowaona wanaowatawala wanaungana kuwapinga, basi walitumia mbinu ya kuwagawa wazidhoofishe nguvu zao ili waendelee kuwatawala. 
Mbinu kama hiyo inatumiwa siku hizi na baadhi ya viongozi wa CCM wa Bara pamoja na baadhi ya waandishi wa Bara ‘walioshtushwa’ na mwamko wa kisiasa uliowafanya Wazanzibari wawe na ujasiri wa kuujadili kwa mapana na marefu Muungano wa Tanzania. 
Ujasiri huo umewafanya wengi wao waseme kwamba ama wanaupinga muundo wa sasa wa Muungano au hawautaki kabisa na wanataka Zanzibar iwe dola huru yenye mamlaka yake kamili.
Huo si mwamko wa leo au wa jana; tumekuwa tukiugusia miaka nenda miaka rudi lakini tukionekana kuwa ni wazushi na wazandiki.  Sasa mambo yanajidhihiri yenyewe.  Matokeo yake ni kwamba waliokuwa wakijidanganya sasa wamegutuka na hawajui jinsi ya kulizuia hilo wimbi la uzalendo Wakizanzibari minghairi ya kutumia hoja finyu za kikabila na udini.
Mmoja amefika hadi ya kuandika kuhusu ‘Waarabu’ na ‘watu Weusi’ kana kwamba hao wanaonasibishwa na uarabu ni wa rangi aina ya pekee iliyo tofauti kabisa na ya Wazanzibari wasio na asili ya Kiarabu.  Mwandishi huyohuyo alitishwa na sura rahimu ya Sheikh Farid Hadi Ahmed, mmoja wa viongozi wakuu wa Uamsho. 
Aliandika kwamba baada ya kuiona picha ya Sheikh Farid yalimjia mawazo kwamba Uamsho si jumuiya ya kidini na wala si ya Wazanzibari na kwamba Sheikh Farid ametumwa (hakusema na nani) kuwafitinisha Wazanzibari.  Alichotaka kusema mwandishi huyo ni kwamba kwa vile Sheikh Farid ana asili ya Kiarabu basi Uamsho inataka kuurejesha usultani.
Ni uchambuzi uchwara, tena wenye kutumia lugha ya kibri. Unashtua kwa vile ni ‘uchambuzi’ wa hatari unaofanana na simulizi za  Wahutu wa Rwanda kabla ya mauaji ya kimbari ya mwaka 1994 nchini humo. 
Hizi fitna za ‘Upemba’ na ‘Uunguja’, za ‘ubwana’ na ‘utwana’ na za ‘ugaidi’ wa Uamsho ni fitna zinazotiwa na watu walio maluuni.  Lengo lao kubwa ni kuwapotosha Wazanzibari wauzime mjadala wa Muungano.  Hawajali iwapo watalitimiza lengo hilo kwa kuyakiuka maadili ya uongozi au ya uandishi. 
Hila wanazotumia ni kwanza, kuwafitinisha Wazanzibari kwa kutia fitna za kikabila na za kidini.  Kwa mfano, wanawatisha wahafidhina wa CCM/Zanzibar, wale wenye kusherehekea kaulimbiu ya ‘Mapinduzi Daima’, kwa kuwaonya ya kuwa Uamsho ina “msukumo wa kiarabu”  na kwamba kusudio lake ni hatimaye kuyapinga Mapinduzi na kuirejesha Zanzibar katika ‘utumwa’. Maneno ya kijinga kabisa.
Hila yao ya pili ni kuwagonganisha vichwa Waunguja na Wapemba kwa kutumia hoja zisizo na mshiko wowote wa kimantiki.  Wanasema wamewapata Wapemba wengi wenye kutaka Muungano uendelee kama ulivyo. Wamewahoji na matamshi yao kusambazwa na magazeti fulani nchini.  Huu ni mfano mzuri wa propaganda ya kitoto.
Hila yao ya tatu ni kutumia lugha kuparaganya mambo.  Ingawa Uamsho ni jumuiya kamili wao badala yake wanasema kuwa hiki ni kikundi. Sio kundi bali ‘kikundi.’  Na wanaishtumu jumuiya hiyo kuwa ‘inawatumia’ baadhi ya vijana kufanya vitendo vya kihuni vya kuchoma moto makanisa. Hakuna ushahidi wa hili.
Nne, wanajaribu kuwatisha Watanzania na hasa wakuu wa dunia hii kwa kuifananisha Jumuiya ya Uamsho na mitandao ya kigaidi ya Al-Qa’eda, Boko Haram na Al-Shabab.  Bila ya shaka wenye kueneza fitna hii hawajui walisemalo na wanajikashifu si mbele ya Watanzania wenzao tu bali hata machoni mwa balozi za nchi za Magharibi. 
Sijui kama wanaelewa ya kuwa maofisa wa baadhi ya balozi za Magharibi wameshakutana na viongozi wa Uamsho katika juhudi zao za kuitathmini Jumuiya hiyo na wanayaelewa makusudio halisi ya Uamsho.
Kwa hakika, kinyume na wanavyoandika baadhi ya waandishi wa Bara, Jumuiya ya Uamsho haikuzuka juzi. Imekuwako kwa muda wa takriban miaka 10 sasa.  Jumuiya hii ni kama mwavuli ambao chini yake kuna jumuiya mbalimbali za Kiislamu, pamoja na ile ya maimamu. 
Uamsho imekuwa ikiendesha harakati zake kwa msaada wa taasisi za nchi za Magharibi.  Ilikuwa miongoni mwa  waangalizi rasmi wa Uchaguzi Mkuu uliopita na ripoti yake kuhusu uchaguzi huo ni ya kupigiwa mfano kwa maelezo yake ya kina. 
Kati ya wafadhili wa Jumuiya hiyo katika harakati hizo za kuangalia uchaguzi lilikuwa shirika la USAID la Marekani.  Hata vizibao wanavovaa baadhi ya viongozi wa Uamsho na vikuza sauti vyao walipewa na Wamarekani wakati huo wa uchaguzi uliopita.
Wenye kujuwa mambo watakwambia kwamba kuna tofauti kubwa kama ya mbingu na ardhi kati ya jumuiya ya Uamsho na mtandao wa Al-Qa’eda au kundi la al-Shabab.  Huwezi kabisa kuzifananisha falsafa zao au makusidio yao.  Hata Boko Haram nayo licha ya mbinu inazozitumia inatofautiana sana na al-Qa’eda.
Huko Zanzibar mafatani hawa wana washirika wanaojulikana.  Nao ni wale wanaochomwa na kuwapo kwa Serikali ya Umoja wa Kitaifa (SUK).  Ndiyo maana wakaruka harakaharaka kuwatupia lawama za machafuko ya hivi karibuni viongozi wa CUF waliomo kwenye SUK na kutaka watimuliwe kutoka serikalini.  Na ni wao waliohusika na vipeperushi vilivyotolewa wiki iliyopita kuwafitinisha Wapemba na Waunguja.
Na ni haohao wenye kujaribu kuwachimba waasisi wakuu wa Maridhiano yaani Rais mstaafu Amani Abeid Karume na Maalim Seif Sharif Hamad.
Inasikitisha kuwaona baadhi ya Wabara wenye kujigamba kuwa ni wasomi wakitaka mijadala ya kisiasa ipigwe marufuku katika majukwaa ya kidini. Hawaelewi kwamba ni dhima ya dini za Ukristo na Uislamu kuzungumzia na kuyatafutia ufumbuzi mambo yanayoyagusa maisha ya kila siku ya waumini wa dini hizo. Na mambo hayo yawe yepi kama si ya kisiasa?
La kutisha ni kuwa  ‘wasomi’ hao wanamtaka Rais Jakaya Kikwete awachukulie hatua za kimabavu wakuu wenzake walio serikalini kwa kisingizio kuwa ati wanaunga mkono harakati za Uamsho. 
Ulimwengu haukufunga macho wala haukuziba masikio.  Unawaona na kuwasikia.  La ajabu ni kwamba wanasiasa na waandishi wenye kuchochea hisia kama hizo wamesahau ni nyakati gani tulizo nazo na ni ulimwengu gani tulio nao.  Katika ulimwengu wao wa leo Wazanzibari wanasema hawakubali tena kugawanywa kwa propaganda za kikabila au za kidini. 
Inatisha kwamba kuna wanasiasa na waandishi waliosahau kwamba siku hizi kuna Mahakama ya Jinai ya Kimataifa (ICC) na mahakama nyingine mahsusi za kimataifa, mithili ya ile Mahakama Maalumu ya Sierra Leone. Mahakama kama ile ya Sierra Leone inaweza kuundwa mara moja na Umoja wa Mataifa kuwatia adabu wenye kupalilia fitna zinazoweza kuzusha mauaji ya kimbari. 
Ni hiyo Mahakama Maalumu ya Sierra Leone iliyomhukumu Charles Taylor, rais wa zamani wa Liberia, kifungo cha miaka 80 baada ya kupatikana na hatia ya  kuishushia nakama Sierra Leone.
Dhana waliyonayo baadhi ya wasomi na waandishi wa Bara ni kwamba viongozi wa Uamsho ni mijitu isiyosoma.  Kuna mmoja aliyepandwa na jeuri na kuandika kwamba mbali na kujua kusoma Qur’an viongozi hao ni watu wasiojuwa kuandika wala kusoma.
Ukweli ni kwamba viongozi wa Uamsho ni wasomi waliohitimu masomo ya chuo kikuu na wana shahada za juu za uzamili katika fani mbalimbali kama vile za uhandisi, sayansi na jiografia.  Ni wasomi wa nyanja zote — za dini na dunia.
Mfano mzuri ni Sheikh Msellem ambaye mbali na kuwa gwiji wa tafsiri ya Qur’an pia alisomea taaluma ya hali ya hewa. 
Baadhi yao walisoma katika Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam ambako walivutiwa na hotuba za kidini za Professor Malik, mtaalamu wa fani ya hesabati, ambazo ziliwashajiisha na kuwafanya wawe na mwamko wa Kiislamu.  Wengine walisoma kwenye vyuo vikuu vya nje vikiwemo vile vya Sudan, Saudi Arabia na Qatar.
Ni wazi kutokana na ripoti na taarifa zao kwamba baadhi ya wasomi na waandishi wetu wa Bara wanawadharau Wazanzibari. Nadhani hizo dharau zao ndizo zinazowafumba macho wasiweze kuona nani hasa aliyechochea fukuto hili la upinzani dhidi ya makandamizo ya walioshika hatamu za utawala wa Muungano.
Maandishi yao yamebainisha wazi kwamba hawaamini ya kuwa Unguja na Pemba si majimbo wala koloni za Bara.  Inakirihisha kuona namna wengi wao wanavyozitapika hadharani chuki zao (na udini uliowapamba) bila ya hata staha na uvumilivu wa kimaadili.

Hoja za uamsho hazitozimwa na mabomu ya machozi

FFU na JKU wakimpiga mwandamanaji

KIKUNDI cha uamsho cha Zanzibar pamoja na makundi kadhaa yanayopinga Muungano kinasema Tanganyika inaidhulumu Zanzibar.
Baadhi ya wahubiri wake wanaenda mbele zaidi na kudai kuwa Tanganyika imeigeuza Zanzibar kuwa koloni lake. Baadhi ya wahubiri wengine wanaenda mbele zaidi na kudai kuwa matatizo mbalimbali ya kiuchumi na hali ya wananchi wa Zanzibar yanatokana na kuminywa kunakofanywa na Serikali ya Muungano ambayo ndiyo “Serikali ya Tanganyika” vile vile.
Wanasema kwa ufupi kuwa Muungano ulivyo sasa unaionea Zanzibar na unaibana kama koti linavyombana mtu na sasa wakati umefika kwa koti hilo kuvuliwa.
Wanajenga hoja nyingi sana za jinsi gani Zanzibar inadhulumiwa; kuanzia muundo, mgawanyo wa mapato, suala la mafuta, OIC, mambo ya misaada ya kigeni  na hata nafasi mbalimbali za utumishi wa Muungano. Hoja zao ziko wazi na wala hazina kificho.
Wanazitangaza hoja hizo kwenye makongamano na kwa kweli si hoja mpya. Ni hoja hizi hizi ambazo ziliwahi kumletea matatizo Mzee Aboud Jumbe, na ndizo hizi hizi kwa namna yake ziliwaletea matatizo kina Shaaban Mloo na wengine. Ni hoja hizi hizi ambazo zimekuwa zikitolewa mara kwa mara.
Ni mara moja tu kiongozi wa Bara aliwahi kusimama hadharani na kujibu hoja hizi bila kutumia virungu. Mwalimu Nyerere mara zote aliwashughulikia viongozi wa kisiasa wa hoja hizi. Aliwashughulikia kwa sababu wale walioapa kulinda Muungano hawawezi kukaa kimya wakati Muungano unatishiwa na bado wao wakakinga mikono ya kupokea mishahara, posho na mapochopocho ya Muungano!
Nyerere aliwajibu wale wa Tanganyika waliotaka serikali ya Tanganyika katika lile kundi la G55 lililoongozwa na Njelu Kasaka. Na hata hoja ilipofika hadi bungeni Nyerere alijitokeza na kuwajibu na kudai wazi kuwa serikali yetu (ya Muungano ikiongozwa na Mwinyi na Malecela) “imesurrender” yaani imesalimu amri.

Kinachoshangaza na kuchekesha, hajatokea kiongozi yeyote ambaye amewahi kusimama na kujibu hoja hizi zaidi ya kuzidharau, kuwapiga mkwara na sasa inaonekana hata kujaribu kujibu hakutajaribiwa tena kwani FFU na vyombo vingine vya usalama ndio vitazima hoja kwa nguvu! Wanasiasa wetu wameshindwa!
Ndiyo maana binafsi naamini kuwa kwa vile viongozi wetu wameshindwa kujibu hoja za uamsho hakuna sababu tena ya kutumia vyombo vya usalama kutawanya watu.
Kama mashekhe na viongozi wengine (kama kina Raza na Seif Sharrif) wanaamini kuwa Muungano haufai na wako upande wa Uamsho watoke na wawe wa kwanza kutaka Wazanzibari waamue wenyewe kupiga kura ya maoni. Ni kuchezea watu akili leo kina Seif wanasema ati “Watu wazungumzie Muungano” wakati kinachozungumzwa si “Muungano” tena bali ni “utengano”.

waandishi wa habari wamekuwa wakidanganya umma kuwa wazanzibar wanataka kujitenga. Lakini mimi sikubaliani na hilo. Ninachokijua ni kuwa wazanzibar wanataka muungano ujadiliwe kwa haki bila kuwapanga watanzania kwa madaraja. Yaani watu wa bara wanahaki zaidi ya kujadili muungano kuliko watu wa visiwani. Na kuchagua mambo ya kujidili na mengine nyeti zaidi yasijadiliwe. Hii sio haki mambo yote yajadiliwe kwani Tanzania ni nchi yetu sote.
by Kabavako


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says no aggressor has ever survived against the Iranian nation in the country’s 7,000-plus-year civilization and cultural history.

“No trace of [the aggressors against the Iranian nation] remains in history whereas the Iranian nation is still standing tall,” Ahmadinejad said at a press conference on the sidelines of the Rio+20 Earth Summit in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro on Thursday.

Ahmadinejad went on to add that the current threats by the arrogant powers against Iran are more of a propaganda war than anything operational or practical.

“These behaviors have no effect on the will and resolve of the Iranian nation and it is fully clear what consequences a new conflict in the Middle East will entail.”

The US and Israel have repeatedly threatened Iran with the option of a military strike under the pretext that Tehran’s nuclear energy program may consist of a weaponized dimension.

Iran has rejected the allegations, but has promised a crushing response to any military strike against the country, warning that any such measure could result in a war that would spread beyond the Middle East.

Ahmadinejad added that media are one of the chief tools at the disposal of the hegemonic powers to push forward their imperialistic interests.

He said while the Western media try to portray Iran in a negative light, the truth is that the Islamic Republic is today considered one of the advanced countries in science and technology in the world.

“The behavior of the arrogant powers is in truth a full-scale media war against the Iranian nation which we should all resist by expressing the truths,” he added.


An Israeli warplane (file photo)
An Israeli warplane

One Palestinian has been killed and three others injured in airstrikes conducted by Israeli warplanes on the besieged Gaza Strip.

The airstrikes targeted northern Gaza late on Friday.

Earlier in the day, another Palestinian was killed and two others were injured in an Israeli airstrike on the al-Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza.

Since Monday, 10 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli airstrikes on Gaza.

The Israeli military frequently bombs the Gaza Strip, saying the actions are being conducted for defensive purposes. However, disproportionate force is always used, in violation of international law, and civilians are often killed or injured.

Gaza has been blockaded since 2007, which is a situation that has caused a decline in the standard of living, unprecedented levels of unemployment, and unrelenting poverty.


A Turkish F-4 Phantom (file photo)
The Syrian military has announced that it shot down a Turkish fighter jet that was flying over its “territorial waters.”

According to a military statement issued on Friday, the F-4 Phantom was downed in Syrian territorial waters west of the village of Om al-Tuyour in Lattakia province, 10 kilometers from the beach, Syria's official news agency SANA reported.

Turkey had earlier said that its military lost radar and radio contact with the jet over the Mediterranean after it took off from Erhac Airport in the eastern province of Malatya, which borders Syria.

The Turkish military provided no details about the mission of its downed jet, but Turkish media outlets said it was on a reconnaissance flight.

Turkish media outlets are saying that the two members of the jet’s crew have been rescued, but other news agencies say the men are still missing.

Wednesday 20 June 2012


Kiongozi wa Shia Islam Tanzania Sheikh Hemed Jalala Hemed wiki iliyopita tarehe 16 Juni 2012 alitutembelea hapa Morogoro na kutuasa mambo mengi ya msingi katika maendeleo yetu na ya Uislam kwa ujumla. Katika Ziara hiyo ya siku moja aliongozana na wataalamu wanzake wa dini ya kiislamu, wawili na wanaharakati kadhaa. kwa hakika ilifana sana ambapo alitembelea vituo vyetu vitatu tofauti katika mji huu wa Morogoro

Saturday 9 June 2012


O people! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. The noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the best in conduct… (Qur'an, 49:13)

Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (a) reported from the Prophet (s) who said: "Whosoever possesses in his heart 'asabiyyah (prejudice in any of its forms such as tribalism, racism, nationalism) even to the extent of a mustard seed, God will raise him on the Day of Resurrection with the (pagan) Bedouins of the Jahiliyyah (the pre-Islamic era).” [Al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol. 2, bab al ‘asabiyah, p. 308, hadith # 3]

Prejudice (`asabiyyah)
`Asabiyyah is an inner psychic trait that is manifested in patronizing or defending one's kindred or those with whom one has some kind of affinity or relation, whether it be creed and religious ideology, soil or home, language or colour. This affinity may also be due to similarity of profession or the relationship of teacher and pupil, or something else. It is a moral vice that appears to take the form of defense of truth or religion, but in reality it is aimed at extending one's own influence or that of one's co-religionist(s), relative(s), friend(s),
or member(s) of group.

Another hideous aspect of this vice in intellectuals is the atrocity done to knowledge itself; as this `asabiyyah on the part of intellectual amounts to the abuse of knowledge and disrespect for it.
An ugly aspect of this vice is the wrong done to the other side. This is

A faithful’s choice – blind ‘asabiyyah or truth
 A believer has a heart that has been the mirror for the light of faith, he is the hostage of reality and Divine knowledge and he is the one who remains adhered to the religious precepts and confined to rational principles and laws. No force of customs, ways, or love and friendship or familiar things can cause him to quiver or deviate from the right path of supporting truth and justice.

One can profess Islam and claim iman only when he is submissive and humble to truth. He thus deems his own aims and purposes, no matter however great they may be, as trivial and transitory, before the aims and orders of his Lord and Provider. He annihilates his own will in the Will of his real Lord. Such a person will be free from all traces of ignorant `asabiyyahs and his face will be turned towards reality. Thick and dark curtains of blind `asabiyyahs would not obstruct his vision. When called to deliver justice and utter the word of truth, he puts a firm foot on the head of all associations and ties, sacrificing all ties of kinship and customary affinities at the altar of the aims and orders of his Lord.

If there is a clash between the Islamic `asabiyyah and the `asabiyyah of the Jahiliyyah, he gives precedence to his Islamic `asabiyyah and his `asabiyyah for truth and justice. An enlightened person knows that all the `asabiyyahs and all associations are merely transitory accidents and perishable. The only relationship
that is permanent and lasting and the only `asabiyyah that is true, is the relationship between the Creator and the created being, and is essential and unbreakable; it is firmer, higher, and prior to all the ties of lineage.

What is and what is not ‘Asabiyyah
 It is reported that when Prophet (s) was asked: “O Prophet of God! What is ‘asabiyyah ?”, He (s) replied: “That you support your nation (or tribe) in oppression.” [Abu Dawood, Sunan, hadith # 5119]

Imam ‘Ali bin al-Husayn (a) was asked about ‘asabiyyah. He (a) replied: “‘Asabiyyah that makes a person sinful is that he takes the worst actions of his nation (or tribe) to be better than the best actions of his opponent tribe. It is not ‘asabiyyah to love one’s nation. However, if one helps his nation in committing oppression than it is ‘asabiyyah.” [Al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol. 2, bab al ‘asabiyyah, p. 308, hadith # 7]

The Evils of `Asabiyyah
If one’s heart is covered with the dust of self-love and the love of the kindred and improper and blind `asabiyyah, the light of faith will not shine in it.

Al-Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have said: "Whosoever practises `asabiyyah (against someone), God shall wrap around him (`asabahu) a fold (`isabah) of Fire." [Al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol. 2, bab al ‘asabiyyah, p. 308, hadith # 4]

It is reported from al-Imam al-Sadiq (a) that the Prophet (s) said: "The one who exerts `asabiyyah or the one on whose behalf it is exerted, the tie of faith is taken off his neck." [Al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol. 2, bab al ‘asabiyyah, p. 308, hadith # 2]. That is, such a person is deprived of faith and abandoned from the fold of faithful in the eyes of God. As to the person in whose interest `asabiyyah is exerted, he is also included in the hadith due to his compliance to the behaviour of the one exerting `asabiyyah on his behalf and hence made to share his lot jointly.
‘Asabiyyah against a nation or group may lead one to commit several moral vices such as backbiting, slandering, and heinous crimes such oppression, murder, massacres, and the like.

`Asabiyyah of the Intellectuals
It is worse and more offensive than other types of `asabiyyah as a scholar and an intellectual ought to be an instructor of mankind. In addition, scholarship and imparting knowledge is a branch of the tree of prophethood and wilayah itself. Surely, the corruption of a scholar can lead to the corruption of a nation.

This type of ‘asabiyyah manifests itself as stubbornness in intellectual matters and the habit of supporting the statements and ideas of one's own or that of one's teacher or spiritual master without it being for the sake of defending truth and refuting falsehood.

The person who poses himself as a guiding beacon of light and a source of enlightenment in the assembly of mankind should serve as a guide to the path of Praiseworthy ‘Asabiyyah
The defence of truth and upholding justice, the efforts to disseminate and to posit something that is true, are either not `asabiyyah, or, if they are, represent a commendable kind of it. The criterion lies in the distinct aims and purposes, and the extent to which it involves selfish and diabolical ends or serves just and godly
purposes. Thus, when a man supports his kinsmen and friends, if he does so purely for the sake of upholding justice and defeating injustice, this kind of `asabiyyah is commendable and praiseworthy; because supporting justice and truth is among the sublimest of human qualities, being one of the attributes of the
prophets (a) of God and His awliya' (friends). One should support the party that is on the side of truth and justice, even though it may consist of one's enemies. Such a person is a defender and lover of truth; he will be counted among the champions of human sublimity, a rightful citizen of the ideal human society, one whose presence exerts a reforming influence on the evil tendencies of society.

The Prophet (s) said: “Best among you is the person who defends his tribe till they do not commit a sin.” [Abu Dawood, Sunan, hadith # 5130]

Imam ‘Ali (a) said: “If it becomes unavoidable for you to be among those who practice ‘asabiyyah, then do ‘asabiyyah to uphold the truth and support of the oppressed.” [Al-Amidi, Ghurar ul-Hikam wa Durar ul-Kalim, hadith # 3738]

The Cure of ‘Asabiyyah
‘Asabiyyah is a dangerous condition for an individual and society. One must ponder seriously about its consequences in this world and hereafter. If you love or hate someone, or support or are against a group of individuals or a nation, think what has motivated you for it. If it is other than promoting truth and justice
or help of oppressed or preventing aggression and tyranny, than give up your support of the people you are associated with. It will be certainly difficult for you to take a bold step and give up love, friendship, and affinity of your relatives, friends and colleagues. Your decision to give up blind ‘asabiyyah will not only
save you from the fire of hell, but also motivate others to do the same.

The Prophet (s) said: "One who calls towards ‘asabiyyah is not from us, one who fights for ‘asabiyyah is not from us and the one who dies on ‘asabiyyah is not from us.” [Mizan al Hikmah, hadith # 13035]
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The legislation, which was earlier passed by the Majlis (parliament) and approved by Iran's Guardian Council (GC), aims to inform the global community about the gross violation of human rights by the United States and Britain.
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has notified relevant Iranian authorities of a law that tasks them with bringing to light cases of human rights violation by the United States and Britain.

To this end, Iran has allocated an annual amount of USD 20 million and designated a working group, superintended by Iran’s Intelligence Ministry, to monitor the related procedures.

The task force also includes Iran's Foreign Ministry, Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Communications and Information Technology Ministry, Culture and Islamic Communications Organization and a member of Iran's Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee.

The legislation requires Iran's Foreign Ministry to prepare and release annual reports on cases of human rights violation by the US and UK and tasks the Intelligence Ministry to present quarterly reports to the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee.

The United States has come under heavy scrutiny following the United Nation’s 2011 human rights report laid by High Commissioner Navi Pillay for its human rights abuses.

The US is accused of using torture techniques, including a simulated drowning technique known as water-boarding, on alleged terrorist suspects, many of whom have been held without charge for years at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba.

The detention facility was initially established at a US naval base in Cuba after the US invasion of Afghanistan in January 11, 2002, under former US President George W. Bush.

There are still many prisoners in the facility despite vows by US President Barack Obama to close the notorious prison.

London has also been at the center of concerns by human rights activists over the past two years for, among others, the threat to use rubber bullets and water cannons against demonstrators as well as the use of controversial kettling techniques to contain protests.

London is also currently pursuing regulations that allow officials immediate access to all phone and internet usage of individuals upon demand.


File photo shows detainees in orange jumpsuits at the US military base and detention facility of Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.
Picha hii inaonesha ukatili mkubwa wa wamarekani kwa wafungwa huko Gwantanamo

Wednesday 6 June 2012


5.  The Day of Judgement and the Resurrection (qiyama)

Approximately 1,200 verses of the Qur'an speak of life after death and the Day of Resurrection, as do a vast number of sayings related from Prophet Muhammad and his successors (peace be upon all of them).  This number reveals the importance and significance of life after death and emphasizes that the life of the human being does not end at death but in fact continues afterwards towards a new life - indeed, its true life.  Allah placed human beings on the earth to test them, and so different people live for different lengths of time before they die and their souls are separated from their bodies.  Their souls then live on, facing the grave and the questioning therein.  After that, the souls return to their bodies which will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement, on which day they will receive whatever they deserve according to their beliefs and deeds in life.

Some people will go to Heaven, also called the Garden, or the Paradise.  Others will go to Hell, oftentimes called the Fire.  And a select few will be brought into a state of nearness to God. 

Both Heaven and Hell have different levels; the worst of people will be in the lowest depths of Hell, while the best of them will be in the highest parts of Heaven. 

Death and Life after Death

And they ask you concerning the spirit.  Say:  "The spirit, it is one of the things, the knowledge of which is only with my Lord, and of knowledge, you mankind have been given only a little.  (17:85) 

Although humanity has been permitted to know only a little about life after death right now, the Holy Qur'an still reveals some of the secrets surrounding the soul.  The Qur'an says:

It is Allah who takes away the souls at the time of their death, and those that die not during their sleep.  He keeps those souls for which He has ordained death and sends the rest for a term appointed.  Verily, in this are signs for people who think deeply.  (39:42)

The soul will be buried along with the body in the grave.  It could get permission from Allah to depart from the grave, but it must go back to it again.  Each individual, if faithful, faces two paradises after death, or if he is unfaithful and a sinner, two hells.  One of them is for the souls before the Day of Judgement, and the second is the permanent abode.

Once Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) sent two messengers to the city of Antioch to call for monotheism and the worshipping of Allah.  One of the men of that town embraced the faith and followed them, so the king of the land ordered that righteous man to be killed.  When he died, he said:  "Verily I have believed in your Lord.  So listen to me.  It was said to him when the disbelievers killed him, 'Enter paradise.'  He said, Would that my people knew what my Lord Allah has forgiven me for and made me one of the honored ones.'"  (36:25-27)  The paradise that he had entered was of the kind, calledbarzakh, that the soul lives in before the Day of Judgement; on the Day of Judgement everyone will know the fate of everyone else, and there will be no need, as above, to tell others.

The descriptions of both types of hellfire are very vivid and painful:  "Evil torment encompassed Pharaoh's people - the fire:  they are exposed to it morning and afternoon, and on the day when the Hour will be established."  (40:46)

     Islam teaches that the parting of the soul is accompanied with severe pain.  The moment of death has been described:

Nay!  When the soul reaches the collarbone, and it will be said, "Who can cure him and save him from death?" and he, the dying person, will conclude that it is the time of departing, and he is shrouded; the drive on that day will be to your Lord.  (75:26-30)

Remember that the two recording angels receive each human being after attaining the age of puberty, one sitting on the right and one on the left, to note his actions.  Not a word does he utter but there is a watcher sitting by him to record it.  And the stupor of death will come in truth; this is what you have been avoiding.  And the trumpet will be blown; that will be the day whereof warning had been given, and every person will come forth with an angel to drive him and an angel to bear witness.  It will be said to the sinners:  "Indeed, you were heedless of this.  Now We have removed your covering, and sharp is your sight this day."  (50:17-22)

But for the true believers, the departure of the soul will be peaceful:

It will be said to the pious:  "O you in complete rest and satisfaction, come back to your Lord well-please yourself and well-pleasing unto Him.  Enter then among my honored servants, and enter my Paradise."  (89:27-30)

Repentance and Forgiveness

Repentance is the giving up of sin and is the best way of expressing regret for having committed one.  It involves both sincerely regretting having committed the particular sin and then resolving never to do it again.  Repentance is the source of and means to success:  "Turn to Allah, O Believers, that you may be successful."  (24:31)  No matter how grievous a person's sin may be, the forgiveness of Allah is greater, and no one should be ashamed to turn towards Allah in repentance because Allah can erase the sins of whomever He pleases.

Say:  "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves, despair not of the mercy of Allah; verily, Allah forgives all sins.  Verily, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.  (39:53)

Tell My servants that I am the Forgiving, the Merciful.  (15:49)

Will they not turn to Allah and ask His forgiveness?  Allah is the Forgiving, the Merciful.  (5:74)

Your Lord is full of forgiveness for mankind in spite of their wrongdoing.  (13:6)

Despite His ability to destroy mankind if he so willed, the main characteristics of Allah are forgiveness and mercifulness, and for this reason Muslims begin nearly every action, speech, or endeavor with the words, "In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Compassionate.

Repentance is of benefit both now and during the Hereafter.  Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) has narrated that repenting brings an increase of wealth, protection from danger, and an easing of hardships and difficulties.  Furthermore, it has been said that the fastest way to attain nearness to Allah is to humble the self before Allah and admit to wrongdoing.  The benefits of repentance for the next life are obvious - entrance into Paradise and safety from the Hellfire.

Repentance will be accepted up until the moment of death.  Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) once said that if a person seeks repentance one year before dying, Allah will accept it.  Even if a person seeks repentance one day before dying, Allah will accept it.  Then he pointed to his throat and said that even if someone seeks repentance before his soul reaches here, Allah will accept it.

Nonetheless, repentance should be done as soon as possible and should not be delayed; this point has been emphasized again and again in the Islamic tradition.  Imam 'Ali says:  "How numerous are the procrastinators who postpone [repenting and doing good deeds] until death overtakes them!"

Repentance should be done in secrecy and privacy.  People can establish a direct link to Allah while seeking repentance without the necessity of a third person interfering and in fact should not let others know about their sins.  Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) once told Imam 'Ali (peace be upon him):  "O 'Ali, blessed is he whom Allah looks upon while he is weeping for the sin that none is aware of except Allah."

In addition to not revealing his own sins, every person must conceal the faults of his brother or sister in religion to preserve that person's honor and society.  That person's faults may be dealt with personally and privately but must not be spread among society.

A person who sincerely repents is loved by Allah and is as if he or she had never committed any sins at all.  Imam al-Baqir (peace be upon him) has said:  "He who repents of his sins is as one who has not any burden of sin."  But repentance must be sincere; Allah knows who sincerely regrets misdeeds and who is just saying words.  A person came to Imam 'Ali (peace be upon him) and said, "Astaghfirullah, I seek Allah's forgiveness," and the Imam (peace be upon him) replied:

Do you know what asking Allah's forgiveness is?  It is a word that stands on six supports.  The first is to repent over the past.  The second is to make a firm determination never to revert to it.  The third is to discharge all the rights of people so that you may meet Allah quite clean with nothing to account for.  The fourth is to fulfill every obligation which you ignored in the past so that you may now be just with it.  The fifth is to aim at the flesh grown as a result of unlawful earning so that you may melt it by grief of repentance till the skin touches the bone and a new flesh grows between them.  And the sixth is to make the body taste the pain of obedience as you previously made it taste the sweetness of disobedience.  On such an occasion, you may say, "I seek Allah's forgiveness."


Nahj al-Balagha (The Peak of Eloquence), sermon #186, 120, 100, and 426.
Qur'an 20:121, 21:51-68, 36:27
Bukhari, The Book of Ahkam (Laws), vol. 1 p. 101; Muslim, Kitab al-Imaara (The Book of Leadership), vol. 1 narrations 4-6, et al.
Al-Kawthar/Chapter 108
Feiruz Abadi, Fadhaail al-Khamsa, vol.3 p. 127
Bukhari, vol. 2 p. 185;  
Usud al-Ghaaba, vol. 5 p. 520
Sahih Muslim, vol. 2 p. 238;  
Sahih Tirmithi, vol. II p. 220,
Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Mishkaat al-masaabih, p. 523; 
Faraa'id al-Simtayn, vol. 2 p. 242.
Sibt ibn al-Jawzi, Tadhkirat al-Khawass, p. 138
Ghurar al-Hikm, p. 240
Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 77 p. 63
Wasaa'il ash-Shi'a, vol. 16 p. 74