Wednesday 6 June 2012


The 99 Names of Allah

     "And to Allah belong the most beautiful names, so call on Him by them."  (7:180) Islamic tradition says that Allah has many different names representing different aspects of His being, and 99 of them are commonly recited together:

English              Arabic                                     
The Merciful                 ar-rahim
The Beneficent  ar-rahmaan                            
The Sovereign              al-malik
The Holy                      al-quddus
The Peace                    as-salaam
The Guardian of Faith    al-mu'min
The Protector             al-muhaymin
The Mighty                   al-'aziz
The Compellor al-jabbar
The Majestic                al-mutakabbir
The Creator                  al-khaaliq
The Evolver                  al-baari'                                 
The Fashioner               al-musawwir
The Forgiver                 al-ghaffar                               
The Subduer                 al-qahhar
The Bestower               al-wahhab
The Provider                ar-razzaq
The Opener                  al-fattah                                 
The Knowing                al-'alim
The Constrictor            al-qaabid                                
The Abaser                  al-khaafid                               
The Expander               al-baasit
The Honorer                 al-mu'izz                                 
The Exalter                   ar-raafi'
The Hearing                  as-sami'                                  
The Dishonorer al-mudhill
The Judge                     al-hakam                                
The Seeing                   al-basir
The Subtle                    al-latif
The Kind                      al-halim                                  
The Just                        al-'adl                                     
The Aware                   al-khabir
The All-Forgiving          al-ghafur                                
The Great                     al-'azim
The High                      al-'aliy                        
The Appreciative          ash-shakur
The Preserver               al-hafiz                                   
The Immense                al-kabir
The Reckoner               al-hasib                                  
The Maintainer al-muqit
The Generous               al-karim                                 
The Majestic                al-jalil
The Responsive            al-mujib
The Wise                      al-hakim                                             
The Watchful                ar-raqib                                  
The All-Surrounding     al-waasi'
The Glorious                 al-majid                                  
The Loving                   al-wadud
The Witness                 ash-shahid                              
The Resurrector            al-baa'ith                               
The Truth                     al-haqq
The Trustee                  al-wakil                                  
The Strong                   al-qawi
The Firm                      al-matin
The Praiseworthy          al-hamid                                 
The Guardian                al-wali
The Originator              al-mubdi                                 
The Reckoner               al-muhsi
The Giver of Life          al-muhyi                                 
The Restorer                al-mu'id                                  
The Creator of Death    al-mumit
The Living                    al-hayy                                   
The Self-Subsisting       al-qayyum
The Finder                    al-waajid                                
The Noble                    al-maajid
The Unique                   al-waahid                               
The One                       al-ahad
The Eternal                   as-samad                                
The Able                      al-qadir
The Powerful                al-muqtadir                            
The Expediter               al-muqaddim
The Delayer                  al-mu'akhkhir                        
The First                       al-awwal
The Last                       al-aakhir                                
The Manifest                az-zaahir
The Hidden                  al-baatin                                 
The Governor               al-waali
The Exalted                  al-muta'ali                             
The Source of Goodness     al-barr                
The Acceptor of Repentance           at-tawwab                        
The Avenger                 al-muntaqim   
The Pardoner               al-'afuw                      
The Compassionate      ar-ra'uf
The Owner of Soverignty     maalik al-mulk
The Lord of Majesty     dhul jalaali wal-ikraam         
   and Bounty
The Equitable               al-muqsit
The Gatherer                al-jaami'
The Self-Sufficient        al-ghani                                  
The Enricher                 al-mughni
The Preventer               al-mani'                                  
The Distresser              ad-darr
The Benefitor                an-naafi'                                
The Light                      an-nur
The Guide                    al-haadi                                              
The Incomparable         al-badi'
The Everlasting al-baaqi                                  
The Inheritor                 al-waarith
The Guide to the Right Path ar-rashid                                
The Patient                   as-sabur

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