Monday 3 September 2012

Iran, only state to ensure Persian Gulf security: Iran cmdr.

Iranian naval officers are seen on a military speed boat during naval maneuvers in the Persian Gulf. (file photo)
Iranian naval officers are seen on a military speed boat during naval maneuvers in the Persian Gulf. (file photo)

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy Commander Rear-Admiral Ali Fadavi says Iran is the only state capable of guaranteeing security in the Persian Gulf.

“Iran is the only power capable of establishing security in the Persian Gulf, [its key oil shipment lane] Strait of Hormuz and the Middle East, and the world has gradually come to know this,” Fadavi said on Monday.
“Security in this region is needed not only by the [countries located in the] region, but also by many countries across the globe,” he added.
The admiral went on to accuse the United States of stirring insecurity in the Persian Gulf. “Statistics show that since the beginning of the [military] presence of Americans [in the Persian Gulf], security has not improved, but has even worsened on a daily basis.”

Highlighting Iran's role in the global security, the commander said “Although the US pretends to be the source of security in the region, it is [actually] the cause of insecurity.”

The commander noted that the Persian Gulf will become an exclusive route for the global oil and gas supply in the near future, adding, “While throughout the [1980-1988 Iraqi-imposed] war, only nine million barrels per day (bpd) of oil was exported from the Persian Gulf, the figure now stands at 19 million bpd and will reach 35-40 million bpd by 2020.”

Last month, the Iranian Armed Forces deputy chief of staff, Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri, said the US military presence in the Persian Gulf posed a threat to security of shipping through the strategic waterway.
He urged the Persian Gulf littoral states to make efforts to establish complete security for shipping lines in the Persian Gulf.

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