Friday 14 September 2012

Israel fingerprints all over 9/11 attacks: US lawmaker

A member of the US House of Representatives says there is numerous evidence proving that the Israeli regime had a major role in the 9/11 attacks. 

 “We don’t have all the facts and figures of the direct involvement in the attack itself, but we do have lots of fingerprints of the Israelis all over this situation, covering it up and also not informing America of this … disaster,” David Duke said in an interview with us.
“There’s a huge amount of evidence that indicates that Israel, at the very least, knew what was going on way ahead of time,” but did not warn the US, Duke added, describing it as “a tremendous treachery” against the US.
He said that Israel had a long record of terrorism against the US, adding there are a lot of reasons as to why Israel had a major role in the incident.
He said that five Israeli Mossad agents were arrested in New York while they were filming and documenting the attack not to mention that there is also a lot of evidence indicating that Israel had a huge spy operation going on in the United States at this time.
Duke pointed out that Israel certainly gained tremendous benefits from the attack so it certainly had a role in the incident.
“Obviously, they’ve benefitted tremendously from the attack. It really cut off the huge growing criticism of Israel. There are more and more nations that were recognizing the Palestinian state. Everything got short circuited,” he said.

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