Sunday 21 October 2012

Christian Extremists storm mosque in historic Poitiers

A group of extremists has stormed an unfinished mosque in the historic city of Poitiers in western France in a display of animosity toward Islam.

Seventy-three protesters travelled from all over France to the city to take part in the anti-Islam demonstration on Saturday.
They gathered at the mosque before dawn, and disrupted a prayer, chanting and waving banners protesting against the construction of mosques and the immigration of Muslims.

They also climbed onto the roof of the mosque and unfurled their banners.

"We are thunderstruck… these are people who are stuck in the year 732, and who don't see that the world has changed,” local Muslim leader and imam Boubaker al-Hadj Amor said, referring to the Battle of Tours, which occurred in Poitiers in that year, with Charles Martel leading the Christian army in a victory that halted the Muslims’ furthest advance into Europe.

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